Course description

The course is tailored to prepare you for university, equipping you with essential skills such as critical thinking, advanced research abilities, and refined writing skills. If a career in healthcare is your goal, this Level 3 diploma could serve as the ideal foundation for your academic journey.

You will have the opportunity to study subjects such as:

  • Human Health and Disease
  • Sociology of Health and Illness
  • Health Psychology
  • Biology: Systems Physiology
  • Biology: Comunicable Diseases
  • Ethical Issues in Social Policy

Course content

This qualification aims to provide learners with a number of progression options, including higher level studies at university or FE colleges. The skills required to progress to higher academic studies are different from those required at Levels 1 and 2. Level 3 qualifications enable the development of these skills.
Although there is no single definition of higher-level learning skills, they include: • checking and testing information • supporting your points with evidence • self-directed study • self-motivation • thinking for yourself • analysing and synthesising information/materials • critical thinking and problem solving • working collaboratively • reflecting upon learning and identifying improvements.
Level 3 criteria can require learners to analyse, draw conclusions, interpret or justify, which are all examples of higher-level skills. This means that evidence provided for the portfolio will also demonstrate the development and use of higher level learning skills.

What can this course lead to?

BA (Hons) Nursing (Adult)
BA (Hons) Nursing (Mental Health)
BA (Hons) Nursing (Learning Disability) and Social Work
BSc (Hons) Midwifery
BA (Hons) Social Work
BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science

Potential future careers include but are not limited to Adult Nursing, Adult Nursing (Mental Health), Midwifery, Therapy and Counselling, Operating Theatre Practitioner, Podiatry, Social Work, Support Worker and Paramedic.

Course session dates

Tailored Learning Objective

Preparation for further learning