Course description

This course will help you to develop a range of key employability skills, alongside developing the knowledge and skills required to work in adult social care. At the end of the pathway, you will have the necessary knowledge, skills and qualifications to move into paid employment within a range of health and social care settings.

Course content

This course covers the following:

  • Understand the Context of Supporting Individuals with Learning Disabilities
  • Principles of Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care
  • Introduction to Personalisation in Social Care
  • Principles of Positive Risk Taking for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Introductory Awareness of Autistic Spectrum Conditions
  • Principles of Supporting Individuals with a Learning Disability to Access Healthcare

What can this course lead to?

Careers in working with individuals with learning disabilities

Course session dates

Tailored Learning Objective

Preparation for further learning