Course description

The course helps union representatives to understand their role and responsibilities as a rep. They include working together with members and other union reps; talking to members and dealing with their problems; recruiting members and getting them involved in the union; meeting management to discuss a range of issues at work and keeping members informed about wider union concerns. 

Course content

This course will be delivered over 10 weeks in a classroom every week.

Course Content 

  • understand the job of the union rep in the workplace and the wider union 
  • use and make agreements 
  • represent members in discussions with employers 
  • understand how grievances and disciplinaries are handled 
  • understand rights at work 
  • build confidence in your role and responsibilities as a union rep 
  • develop the skills you need to be an effective rep 

What can this course lead to?

This course leads onto the Certificate in Employment law (Level 2).  

This course could lead onto the Health and Safety Stage 1 (Level 1).

Course session dates

Tailored Learning Objective

Preparation for further learning

Useful information

This course will be delivered at Northern College